Karim Harbott

Agile Centre

Expert Business Agility Coach

Connect with Karim




About Karim

Karim is a business agility and innovation coach, entrepreneur, trainer, author, and international keynote speaker. He has over a decade of experience helping organisations with agile transformations. He has worked on some of the most complex anywhere in the world. He is a founding partner of Agile Centre, a global Agile consulting and training firm

His work involves advising organisations on agility at scale, business agility, leadership coaching and culture change.

He has held a number of senior roles in the Agile space including building and leading the development of the ’Scaled Agile’ practice at global strategy consultancy McKinsey & Co. Karim also serves as a non-executive director with the Scrum Alliance, and is the author of the up-coming book The Six Enablers of Business Agility; How to Thrive in an Uncertain World.

Karim is one of only a handful of people globally to hold both the Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer®, Certified Enterprise Coach® and Certified Agile Leadership Educator status. He is also an ICF Professional Certified Coach®, and Certified Leadership Agility® 360 Coach.

Published Articles, Case Studies & Podcasts

Case Study

LeSS Product Development at TomCommerce


Here I discuss 6 key areas on which leaders must focus in order to unlock business agility in their organisations. I call these the Six Enablers of Business Agility

I discuss the following topics; What is agile leadership? How to become an agile leader? What are the top 3 principles of leading for business agility?


How to Thrive in an Uncertain World’ by Karim Harbott.

Here I discuss the top 5 reasons agile transformations fail, and how what to do to set up your agile transformation for success.

Why has #Productivity become a dirty word in the #Agile space. Here I talk about why, and how, with two small changes to its definition, productivity can become a powerful metric for your organisation and supercharge your effectiveness.

Many CEOs large organisations do not understand technology at all. This is leading to bad practices and organisations falling behind. Here I discuss the 6 most common mistakes made by CEOs when it comes to technology and why so many find it hard to achieve a competitive advantage through technology.

Here I cover how to achieve a tipping point on your #AgileTransformation by starting small, getting the innovators and the early adopters onboard, before targeting the early majority. This is the most effective way to cross the chasm and gain mainstream acceptance of the transformation.

 In this talk, Karim Harbott will discuss the value of Business Agility to our teams and organizations, and how leaders can put in place, the organizational operating system for agility and innovation.
